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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 06/05/2014
Selectmen’s Board Meeting/Hazard Mitigation Plan
June 5, 2014

Present:        Bob Thompson, Chairman; John Allen, Selectman

Visitors:       Town Office Administrator Julie Atwell, Police Officer Sean Cowland, Fire Chief/Road Agent Jay Henry, Emergency Management Director/Health Officer Tom Greig, Treasurer Kathleen Dougherty, Susan May, Emily Benson, Noreen Downs, Bea Davis, George Howard, Joan Aubrey, Michael Martin (joined at 4:30 p.m.)

Chairman Bob Thompson called the meeting to order at 4:20 p.m. to review and approve the Hazard Mitigation Plan.  EMD/HO Greig reminded the Board that the Selectmen are supposed to take coursework associated with the Plan through FEMA; it’s module driven.  This document is still current; it’s good for ten to fifteen years and June just did a revision.  FEMA didn’t like the format so it had to be reformatted as well.  The Board reviewed the Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to adopt the FEMA plan for Hazard Mitigation.  The motion passed unanimously.  The Board thanked EMD/HO Greig for all the work on this plan; he noted the Board should be thanking Bea Davis as it was her time and work that went into the Plan to start with.   

Item #6 on the original agenda was moved up at Fire Chief/Road Agent Jay Henry’s request.

1.      Michael Martin – US Forest Service  Road Agent Henry noted East Branch is a government road but maintenance has been shared between the government and the town officially since 1982.  This agreement needs to be updated.  There is a culvert that needs to be replaced; the government gives the town the culvert and the town puts it in.  There is a federal form for the Board to complete in order to get the culvert.  (Michael Martin joined) Road Agent Henry noted the town and government have always worked together instead of all of the maintenance being the town’s responsibility however, the town is doing work on a road that doesn’t belong to it.  There are three to four homeowners that have complained about the pot holes; the government is on schedule to grade the road while the Highway Department is doing the ditching and maintenance.  Michael noted the parties entered into an agreement to share maintenance for that road; the Forest Service had stronger budgets then.  Previously when culverts were needed they would just deliver it; now these have to be tracked.  There are not a lot of resources but Mike can provide the culvert.  Chairman Thompson asked if the Forest Service has other agreements that are this old; there are thirteen or so.  The programs used to have funds for each state but the program for funds has been revamped; the Forest Service’s projects in New Hampshire now compete against all other work in all fifty states.  Fall would be a good time to get together on this; the Board will sign the existing one and take a crack at drafting an agreement.  The Board will look at scheduling a Work Session to target areas for work and working out the details; it shouldn’t be cumbersome; the Board plans to knock it out before budget discussions start.  The culvert will be fixed; it’s safe at this time but it keeps washing out.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to sign the Project Agreement with the Forest Service for Town Hall Road.  The motion passed unanimously.   (Michael Martin leaves)

2.      Fire/Highway Department Report (added)  Fire Chief/Road Agent Henry noted a Real Estate broker came to the Office regarding a property being sold on a Class VI Road; the Broker was asking about a bank document requesting the town sign a document stating that the town guarantees emergency services to that location.  This is on a Class VI road; the town can’t ever sign off or agree to that.  The town doesn’t plow it and only maintains it as an emergency lane.  RSA 674:41 comes up a lot; the town cannot give somebody a building permit on a Class VI road without an attachment to the deed saying there is no guarantee for emergency services.  

        Paving prices are in; FR Carroll came in with a price that went down from last year; the town has been happy with their work; it’s the second year in a row their price went down.  The bidding process was fair and the Board approves accepting their bid for the work.  Most of Dundee is ready for paving; there was an issue and an excavator was needed.  Tuesday afternoon both dump trucks broke down.  Regarding the Couture permit; the minutes from May 15, 2014 made it sound like the Couture permit was done; it was only the driveway permit form that was completed; not the Couture driveway; it will be a couple years before that’s completed.  

        There is a culvert near the Brooks’ property that Road Agent Henry has been dealing with for over a year; he’s tried several times to repair it and he thought it was stabilized but it’s washed out again.  Engineer Phillips is now working on it; it’ll cost less than five hundred dollars for his work.  If the town is going to continue to put money into this there needs to be a drainage easement; Road Agent Henry is a bit uneasy about going on to somebody else’s property to fix drainage.  There has been some discussion regarding whether this is even the town’s responsibility.  The easement would need to be written by Town Counsel.  

3.      Amend & approve minutes  

a.      Selectmen’s Meeting – May 15, 2014 The spelling of Deputy Treasurer Barbara Tariot Theriault’s last name was misspelled; there were no further corrections.  The minutes were approved as amended.  

b.      Non-Public – April 17, 2014 – sign minutes envelope RSA 91-A:3, II(e) – Litigation  These minutes were approved and sealed at the meeting; the envelope was signed.

c.      Non-Public – May 15, 2014 – sign minutes envelope RSA 91-A:3, II(c)  These minutes were approved and sealed at the meeting; the envelope was signed.

d.      Non-Public – May 15, 2014 – sign minutes envelope RSA 91-A:3, II(c) - Abatement  These minutes were approved and sealed at the meeting; the envelope was signed.

4.      Update on Action Items

a.      Transfer Station Options  Chairman Thompson spoke with Bartlett Selectmen’s Chair Gene Chandler about the projected cost to have Engineer Phillips develop these plans; Bartlett didn’t put funds away to do this.  There is money in the Transfer Station Expendable Trust Fund that could be utilized to cover the scope of the work.  It’s a major capital expenditure so the costs would be split fifty-fifty.  The Board needs to meet with the Bartlett Selectmen to discuss this.  

b.      Bartlett-Jackson Ambulance  The Ambulance meeting was scheduled for today but Rick Murnick couldn’t make it so it has to be rescheduled.  Selectman Allen did go to their regular meeting last night; Rick mentioned the need for a new ambulance in the near future.  The company doing recovery of funds has its pluses and minuses.

c.      Flags  The information about a collection of flags at the Office for proper disposal went in the Enews and folks have been bringing their flags in.  Thanks again to Bea Davis for taking this on.

        d.      Letter to CAT (Milton & Corporate)  This is ready for the Selectmen’s signatures.

e.      Selectmen’s Meeting dates  The next meeting is June 19th; July meetings will be on the third and the seventeenth.  

5.      Public Comment  Susan May asked to have the Old Library Trust Agreement moved up for discussion at this time; the Board agreed to hear agenda item 10b at this time.  Susan wondered if there’s been any progress; she wants to make sure the agreement is between the town and the PCA; clearly Counselor Malia felt the OLT was a third party to be involved in the agreement; this needs to go back to Counselor Malia.  Chairman Thompson wondered whether the Board has the authority to say the town operates the facility when the OLT has authority over the building.  Joan Aubrey noted the application for use of the building is on the town website; the OLT facilitates the building’s use but the Office keeps the files.  The Board cannot move forward against this legal advice.  There is a fee charged if the person wanting to use the building is not a resident or if it’s a “commercial” (paid) use; any funds collected are intended to go to the town.   This information will be passed on to Counselor Malia.  

6.      Police Report  Officer Sean Cowland reviewed Department activities since the last meeting; some items discussed included a death report at an inn; four motor vehicle accidents involving moose; a domestic animal complaint; two domestic disturbance calls and one report of property damage by a bear.  There was an arrest for possession of drugs; and a bench warrant issued for a failure to report for court.  There was one welfare check; one call for proof of residency; two false burglar alarms and one arrest for reckless operation.  Reports were taken for a lost dog and lost property.  The Memorial Day weekend went well; including the Duck Race.  

7.      MWV Citizens for Energy Efficient Communities – Emily Benson & Noreen Downs  Emily Benson and Noreen Downs joined the Board; they are working together on a local initiative to improve energy efficiency.  Noreen, who is an Energy Star Portfolio Manager, reviewed the program.  This can be used to help with the town’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) by identifying current costs and “planned for” items.  By tracking energy costs the town can make decisions based on the information collected.  There is an online application that the town can use to help better understand its energy usage.  It doesn’t matter what the fuel source, the program compares all the components and does the analysis automatically – and it’s free.  Whoever works with it will need to have prior invoices and it works best with three years’ worth of figures. The assessment is generated based on the answers and it will allow the town to determine where it is currently and what the issues are.  For instance, when it is time to look at boilers or heating systems the town may want to look at photovoltaic or wood pellet systems; these could cut the town’s heating costs in half.

      8.        Building Inspector

a.      Weekly Report Submitted by Robert Goudreau

Chairman Thompson noted all of the following items are FYI’s; they have gone through already.

b.      Updated Demolition Permit – FYI

c.      Updated Driveway Permit Process – FYI

d.      Building Permit 2014000010 Map R09 Lot 03 – (Owner – Miller) – Pour foundation only not to exceed 1,600 SQ FT

e.      Building Permit 2014000011 Map V07 Lot 127 – (Owner – Pitz) – New bath addition, roof, siding, window alterations, new landscaping

f.      Building Permit 2014000012 Map R18 Lot 56 – (Owner – Benson) – Remodel porch, replace roof/windows/frame, remodel 2nd floor bath

g.      Building Permit 2014000013 Map V03 Lot 06 – (Owner – Routhier) – Build 26x48 garage with 10x20 entry

h.      Building Permit 2014000014 Map R17 Lot 46 – (Owner – Chapman) – Extend permit 201300006 for 1 year to construct home

i.      Building Permit 2014000015 Map V10 Lot 333 – (Owner – Caldwell) – Extend permit 2013000024 for 1 year to construct home

j.      Subdivision Approval – FYI – 28 Dundee Road

George Howard would like to know where things stand regarding a full time building inspector.  The ad was reposted; there was one new candidate from Maine that looks fairly strong.  That candidate will be interviewed on June 11th; this will be the third candidate.  The Selectmen have no idea on the costs for this candidate as that information was not in the resume or letter of interest.  

In regards to the demolition permit, George would like to know what the criteria is to approve them; he’d like to know the source that provides the criteria to issue a demolition permit.  Chairman Thompson noted demolition permits are issued by the building inspector; he thinks there are statutes in place at the state level and Jackson’s Zoning Ordinance, too.  George feels there’s an implication that there is a town ordinance.  Town Office Administrator Atwell will follow up on this.  

      9.        New Business

a.      Appoint Deputy Treasurer – Barbara Theriault – Signatures Required  The document was signed.

b.      Jackson Historical Society – signage request  The Historical Society would like to place  signage opposite the Wentworth in the small historical park where the roller is.  The Selectmen have many questions – what kind of signage; how big are they; would these be along the path to the Lower Falls or the Gazebo area or by the river.  The Historical Society will bear the expense but the Board needs clarification; if these are the small historical/informational plaques the Board gives conditional approval.  The size is their only issue; if these are that same size the Selectmen think it’s a great idea.  

        c.      2014-2015 – School Payments – FYI  This is regarding the School Bond payments.

d.      MS5 – completed by Leone, McDonnell & Roberts – needs signatures  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to sign the MS5.  The motion passed unanimously.

e.      Intent to cut (3) – THAN 29, 31 and 33; Report of Cut (added) – signatures needed Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to sign the Intent to Cut for THAN 29, 31 and 33.  The motion passed unanimously.  Town Office Administrator Atwell noted there is also a Report of Cut that requires signatures so the town can send out the bill.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to sign the final bill on the cut.  The motion passed unanimously.  

f.      NHEC – Petition and Pole License – signatures required  This is a Petition and Pole License granting permission for the Coop to put in four new poles on Tin Mine Road.  There was a previous agreement; some poles had to be relocated.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to sign the NHEC Petition.  The motion passed unanimously.  

g.      Trustees of the Trust Funds – signatures required  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to withdraw thirteen hundred eighty dollars and forty nine cents from the Police Department Equipment Expendable Trust Fund to pay the transport company’s invoice dated May 28, 2014 and the reimbursement to Crest.  The motion passed unanimously.  

      10.       Old Business

a.      Treasurer – Delegating Duties – to be signed Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to sign off on the Deposit Authority as presented by the Town Treasurer.  The motion passed unanimously.  

b.      Old Library – Land Use Agreement  This was previously discussed (see Public Comment above).

c.      Reconsider Denial NHPR (added)  At the last meeting no action was taken; Assessor Call noted this charitable exemption has been granted for the last four years; he suggests revisiting this decision.  The Selectmen wondered why the Assessor hadn’t made this recommendation in his report.  They felt NHPR’s use of this property is not substantially different from other competing radio station.  The document doesn’t list an amount for abatement; the Board will need that before it can make a decision.   

11.     Public Comment  Bea would like to know if the Police cruiser is going to be traded; the town will take bids on it.  The Dundee Cemetery used to have a plain sign; it is no longer in place and folks have a hard time finding the cemetery.  Bea looked but couldn’t find the sign; it doesn’t have to be anything fancy but if a person doesn’t know where the cemetery is it is impossible to find.  Bea would also like someone to talk to John Pandora about flag holders to keep the flags up better.  

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:57 p.m.

                                                        Respectfully submitted by;

                                                        Martha D. Tobin

                                                        Recording Secretary